About Learning Energy Systems
Learning Energy Systems is a Research Project from the University of Edinburgh that explores new models for reducing energy demand in schools.
A school's Energy System is made up of people, objects, data and machines. Schools with energy management systems use more electricity than expected, because they don't take into account how people use energy in different contexts.
By learning about the relationships between these things we will use interaction design and machine learning to make a Learning Energy System that bridges the gaps between buildings, energy and people.
By better responding to and supporting their values and needs, can a Learning Energy System integrate into complex social and technical settings, to help communities use energy more efficiently?
Watch our Animation below:
I can see myself taking this (web dashboard) as a start, … you mention a little bit of it and it opens up topics like LEDs, renewable energy sources. It gives us an extra resource to use… Michael, Physics teacher at Portobello High School
The kids noticed the change of the speed [on the Kilowatt Clock] and asked me about it, so I explained how it related to school electricity use. Fiona, Maths teacher at Stirling High School
[The energy diary app] It's very visual, very clear for them [the pupils] to use. Michael, Physics teacher at Portobello High School
[with the website dashboard] We could be looking for trends in the data, could have the pupils analysing them for averages. Paul, teacher at Stirling High School